Friday, May 9, 2008

Roe Vs. Wade, an Inevitability

I don’t agree with my classmate’s article about Roe vs. Wade. I don’t agree that one of the largest crisis’ in our country today is not the war in Iraq or racially prejudicial hatred. I am in agreement with my classmate that nonchalant and frivolous abortions are ridiculous and not something to be taken lightly. But there are instances, I believe, that are not rape or incest, that are not endangering the physical health of the mother, and that I could understand a woman not being ready to have a child. Birth control is a great option, however, birth control is not 100% effective, the pill only promises 99% certainty – which isn’t certainty, and condoms can break.

My classmate states, “Individuals with the help of the current law have to be held accountable for the outright slaughter of their own young.” That, to me, is a frightening statement. Slaughter is an incredibly powerful word, one that implies a complete lack of emotion and basically, pure brutality. Who are you and I to label these women? Who are we to judge and who are we to decide for them? What about the slaughter of a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body? That right may not have tissue or blood running through its veins, but it’s real and it’s alive and it can die, too. We’ve only had the right to stand up and vote for 88 of the 221 years this country has existed. Are we already willing to give back some of the freedoms generations before us fought so hard to get?

As articulate and passionate as some of what your saying is… I, as a liberty-loving and independent person, can never stand behind a belief that limits my rights and potentially puts my future in the hands of Uncle Sam or George Bush. The bill of rights and the constitution was set up to keep larger powers from controlling U.S. citizens, it’s frightening that so many people are willing to give over the right to live their own lives for any reason, least of all in pursuit of telling others how to live theirs.

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